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Англо-русский биологический словарь - relief


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Перевод с английского языка relief на русский


1) рельеф

2) облегчение (напр. боли)

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См. в других словарях

  I noun  1) облегчение (боли, страдания, беспокойства); помощь; утешение; to bring/give relief - принести облегчение  2) пособие по безработице; to put on relief - включить в список для получения пособия по безработице  3) разнообразие, перемена (приятная)  4) освобождение (от уплаты штрафа)  5) подкрепление  6) смена (дежурных, караульных); освобождение (от обязанностей); in the relief - при смене, во время смены  7) mil. снятие осады  8) attr. - relief cut - relief fund Syn: see comfort II noun  1) рельеф (изображение); рельефность; in relief - рельефно, выпукло  2) четкость, контраст; in relief against the sky - выступающий на фоне неба  3) рельеф, характер местности  4) attr. рельефный; - relief work RELIEF cut сокращение пособия RELIEF fund фонд помощи RELIEF work чеканная работа ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. облегчение, утешение a sign of relief —- вздох облегчения the medicine gave some relief —- лекарство принесло некоторое облегчение it was a relief to her to find the children safe —- она вздохнула с облегчением, узнав, что дети в безопасности 2. снижение; смягчение relief of pressure —- уменьшение давления relief valve —- тех. разгрузочный или предохранительный клапан 3. разнообразие, перемена; контраст the trees were a relief to the eye —- деревья радовали глаз wide stretches of moorland without relief —- бесконечная, однообразная равнина, поросшая вереском black dress without relief —- черное платье без всяких украшений Shakespeare introduced comic scenes into his tragedies by way of relief —- Шекспир вводил в свои трагедии комические сцены для разрядки (для освежающего контраста) 4. помощь relief fund —- фонд помощи to send relief to people made homeless by floods —- посылать помощь оставшимся без крова из-за наводнения to provide relief for refugees —- оказывать помощь беженцам 5. пособие (по безработице) relief cut —- сокращение пособия indoor relief —- содержание (неимущих) в домах призрения, больницах и т. п. outdoor relief —- пособия неимущим, живущим самостоятельно (не в домах призрения и т. п.) in receipt of relief —- получающий помощь to put on relief —- включить в список для получения пособия по безработице 6....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) рельеф 2) облегчение (напр. боли) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) помощь 2) средство судебной защиты 3) удовлетворение требования или притязания 4) освобождение (напр. от ответственности) 5) скидка 6) рельеф – compensatory relief – injunctive relief – judical relief – public relief – tax relief RELIEF сущ. 1) облегчение 2) помощь 3) пособие 4) освобождение (от уплаты, штрафа и т.п.) 5) скидка (с налога) • - alternative relief - claim for relief - emergency relief - equitable relief - injunctive relief - relief expenditures - relief from a fine - relief from duty - relief payments - tax relief - unemployment relief ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  затылование ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  1) предохранительный 2) разгрузка 3) рельеф 4) рельефность 5) рельефный 6) сменщик 7) снятие relief of analytical function — рельеф аналитической функции - raisting in relief - relief angle - relief crew - relief embossing - relief map - relief plate - relief printing - relief representation - relief shading - relief stamping - relief valve - relief valves - traffic relief ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  ослабление; понижение; сброс ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  ослабление; разгрузка; понижение; сброс рельеф bas relief full relief high relief low relief pressure relief stress relief ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) ослабление; разгрузка; понижение, сброс (давления); выпуск (газа); снятие (напряжений) 2) цел.-бум. перепуск (варочной кислоты) 3) отвод; откидка (резца) 4) задний угол (инструмента) 5) рельеф - flood relief - pressure relief - stress relief - tool relief ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. 1 a the alleviation of or deliverance from pain, distress, anxiety, etc. b the feeling accompanying such deliverance. 2 a feature etc. that diversifies monotony or relaxes tension. 3 assistance (esp. financial) given to those in special need or difficulty (rent relief). 4 a the replacing of a person or persons on duty by another or others. b a person or persons replacing others in this way. 5 (usu. attrib.) a thing supplementing another in some service, esp. an extra vehicle providing public transport at peak times. 6 a a method of moulding or carving or stamping in which the design stands out from the surface, with projections proportioned and more (high relief) or less (low relief) closely approximating to those of the objects depicted (cf. ROUND n. 9). b a piece of sculpture etc. in relief. c a representation of relief given by an arrangement of line or colour or shading. 7 vividness, distinctness (brings the facts out in sharp relief). 8 (foll. by of) the reinforcement (esp. the raising of a siege) of a place. 9 esp. Law the redress of a hardship or grievance. Phrases and idioms relief map 1 a map indicating hills and valleys by shading etc. rather than by contour lines alone. 2 a map-model showing elevations and depressions, usu. on an exaggerated relative scale. relief printing = LETTERPRESS 2. relief road a road taking traffic around a congested (esp. urban) area. Etymology: ME f AF relef, OF relief (in sense 6 F relief f. It. rilievo) f. relever: see RELIEVE ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English relef, ~, from Anglo-French from relever to relieve  Date: 14th century  1. a payment made by a male feudal tenant to his lord on succeeding to an inherited estate  2.  a. removal or lightening of something oppressive, painful, or distressing  b. welfare 2a  c. military assistance to an endangered post or force  d. means of breaking or avoiding monotony or boredom ; diversion  3. release from a post or from the performance of duty  4. one that takes the place of another on duty  5. legal remedy or redress  6. French, from Middle French, from Italian rilievo relievo  a. a mode of sculpture in which forms and figures are distinguished from a surrounding plane surface  b. sculpture or a sculptural form executed in this mode  c. projecting detail, ornament, or figures  7.  a. sharpness of outline due to contrast a roof in bold ~ against the sky  b. the state of being distinguished by contrast throws the two opinions into bold ~  8. the elevations or inequalities of a land surface  9. the pitching done by a ~ pitcher two innings of hitless ~  II. adjective  Date: 1838  1. providing ~  2. characterized by surface inequalities  3. of or used in letterpress ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (reliefs) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. If you feel a sense of relief, you feel happy because something unpleasant has not happened or is no longer happening. I breathed a sigh of relief... The news will come as a great relief to the French authorities... N-UNCOUNT: also a N 2. If something provides relief from pain or distress, it stops the pain or distress. ...a self-help programme which can give lasting relief from the torment of hay fever. N-UNCOUNT: oft N from n 3. Relief is money, food, or clothing that is provided for people who are very poor, or who have been affected by war or a natural disaster. Relief agencies are stepping up efforts to provide food, shelter and agricultural equipment. N-UNCOUNT: oft N n, n N 4. A relief worker is someone who does your work when you go home, or who is employed to do it instead of you when you are sick. No relief drivers were available. N-COUNT: usu N n 5. see also bas-relief, tax relief ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 »COMFORT« a feeling of comfort when something frightening, worrying, or painful has ended or has not happened  (I felt a huge surge of relief and happiness. | be a relief)  (In a way it was a relief to know exactly what we were up against. | to your relief (=making you feel relief))  (To our great relief the children all arrived home safely. | what a relief!)  ("The boss didn't realize you were late." "What a relief!" | a sigh of relief)  (The men went away and she heaved a sigh of relief.) 2 »REDUCTION OF PAIN« the reduction of pain or unhappy feelings  (pain relief)  (the various methods of pain relief available to women in labor) + of  (the relief of suffering) + from  (Tranquillizers provide only temporary relief from depression.) 3 »HELP« money, food, clothes etc given to people who are poor or hungry  (a relief fund for refugees) 4 »MONEY« especially AmE money given by the government to help people who are poor, old, unemployed etc; benefit1 (2) BrE 5 »REPLACE SB« a person or group of people that replaces another one and does their duty after they have finished  (the relief for the military guard | a relief driver) 6 the relief of the act of freeing a town when it has been surrounded by an enemy  (the relief of Mafeking) 7 »DECORATION« a shape or decoration that is raised above the surface it is on 8 »STICKING OUT« in relief a shape or decoration that is in relief sticks out above the rest of the surface it is on  (in high/low relief (=sticking out a lot or a little)) 9 stand out in bold/stark/sharp relief to be very different from everything around and therefore very easy to notice  (The tree stood out in stark relief against the snow.) 10 light/comic relief a funny moment during a serious film, book, or situation  (There wasn't much in the way of light relief on the radio.) 11 »MAP« in relief if you show a part of the Earth's surface in relief, you show the differences in height between different parts of it  (- see also tax relief) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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